Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade

News & Events

Ranks to Milagres College, Mangaluru

Milagres College, Mangaluru is proud and honoured to announce that the students have bagged the three ranks in the Mangalore university academic year 2023. Ms Saimaa Rai D/o Mr. Gopalkrishna Rai and Mrs Sukanya RaiofBantwal bagged second rank in Bsc ID & D (Interior design and decoration) with 92.74 %. Anitta Elisabeth Joy D/o Mr. Joy Abraham Mrs. Shobha Joy of Kasargod has bagged second rank in Bsc FND (Food, nutrition and dietic) with 90.62%. Ms Patricia Quadras D/o Mr. Peter Quadras and Mrs Sharal Maria Dsouza of Bendorewell has secured Third rank in Bsc Hs (Hotel Management) with 85.52%. These are the students of 2021-2023 batch and were consistent performers throughout their student life not only in studies but also in extra-curricular activities.  The Management, Principal and the staff have congratulated the above students for their spectacular achievement.